In the previous post I have presented how words are arranged in a sentence based on their function as subject, predicate, object, and adverb. In this post I am going to explain types of adverb in Javanese along with examples to make them clear.
1. Katrangan sebab
It is the adverb that tells why something happens. We may call it adverb of cause. For instances:
- Kasman ora Melu rapat amarga lara. / Kasman was absent in the meeting due to sickness.
- Paijo ora nyambut gawe amarga isih cilik. / Paijo doesn't go to work because he is still a child.
2. Katrangan ancas
It is the adverb that explains what is intended by something when it is carried out. We thus call this adverb of purpose.
For examples:
- Ayu nyapu latar supaya resik. / Ayu sweeps the floor to make it clean.
- Bumi sinau sregep supaya lulus ujian. / Bumi studies hard in order to pass the exam.
3. Katrangan kahanan
Kahanan means condition or situation. By this definition, it can be inferrred that katrangan kahanan tells the traits or adjective to complement the subject.
For instances:
- Omahe Waluyo reged amarga ora tahu diresiki. / Waluyo's house is dirty as he never cleans it. (Reged means dirty and is an adjective to tell readers the condition of Waluyo's house.)
- Roti sing dituku Beni kasar. / The bread Beni has bought is rough. (Kasar means rough and is used to tell us the surface of the bread.)
That is all for now. The learning is getting more and more fun, right? Drop a comment if you have any questions.